Natural Language Processing and Social Dynamics lab (NASLAB): The research in the lab is focused on the computational processing of language with special focus on the way language is used in different social contexts and the ways meaning changes and evolves over time and space. We develop and use state of the art computational methods in order to learn how language brings people together and how it may drive them apart. While algorithmic at its core, this challenging endeavor is multidisciplinary in nature, involving computer science, linguistics, political science and sociology. Indeed we collaborate with scholars of all these fields.
If you are interested in this line of research and want to join the lab please drop for a visit or drop us a line.
Location: building 96, room 105.
Latest News
New Paper (Accepted, EMNLP 2023): A Deeper (Autoregressive) Approach to Non-Convergent Discourse Parsing (preprint), with Yoav Tulpan
PhD Dissertation (October 2023): Congratulations to Avrahami for submitting his PhD dissertation (and Mazal tov for the new baby born!)
Panelist (September 2023): BIU NLP & Network Spotlight EVENT (pic1, pic2)
New Paper (Accepted, ICWSM 2024): With Flying Colors: Predicting Community Success in Large-scale Collaborative Campaigns (preprint), with Abraham Israeli
Invited talk (June 2023): Presenting NASLAB's research to the Vice-President of the European Commission (pic1, pic2)
Thesis defense: Yoav Tulpan (April 2023), and Ifat Refaeli (May 2023). Congratulations!
Awards: Avrahami Israeli awarded Dean's honor for PhD student. (2022-2023)
Invited Talk (April 2023): LLMs in Education - background, threats and opportunities, BGU Rector's Teaching forum/seminar series
Invited Talk (March 2023): Annual Conference of the Judiciary and Academia (closed event due to the looming judicial crisis)
Recorded Interview (March 2023): NLP, the research at the lab and at DPS@BGU (שלושה שיודעים, כאן-11, Heb, 60min)
Talk (February 2023): Modeling Decentralized Group Coordination at Large Scale, Stanford NLP seminar series
Talk (February 2023): A Killer Application: Machine Learning Analysis as Evidence in Court, Berkeley Law & Tech Speaker Series
Establishing a new Research Center: The university approved the establishment of the Interdisciplinary Research Center for Digital Politics and Strategy (status: מרכז בהקמה): DPS@BGU
2019 Israeli Election
Contextual Discourse Parsing
Modeling Large Scale Distributed Campaigns
Influence in Networks (especially in the political context)
The Tide: racist and abusive trends in online communities
Digital Forensics (and the applicability of machine learning based evidence in evidence law)